What to Expect


Your first appointment will be approximately 1 hour in length. At this appointment, Dr. Sarkosh will carefully review your dental and medical history with you and evaluate your present oral contditon. You will also be given an oral cancer screening.  A comprehensive periodontal, or gum, exam will also be performed where you will be given a proper diagnosis of the health of your gums and supporting tissues.  Based on this exam you will be given the appropriate treatment plan for teeth cleaning.  Finally you will be evaluated for any problems in your temporomandibular joints and you overall teeth contact points. 

Any necassary x-rays will be prerformed at the beginning of this appointment by one of our certified and well trained dental assistants for Dr. Sarkosh's review of your dental condition.  Along with a set of x-rays, Dr. Sarkosh will take Intra-Oral Images of all areas of your oral soft tissues and teeth that are of concern.

At the end of your appointment Dr. Sarkosh will discuss all his findings with you and provide a comprehensive treatment plan based on his recommendations and best available treatment options available to you.

Please let our staff know prior to your visit if you need assistant in any of the following areas

-Language translation
-Disabiltiy needs including access to the office or dental chair or animals you may be bringing to assist you, or any other items that our staff can assist with.
-If you have back/neck pain and will need a pillow or help in getting comfortable in the dental chair.

Joseph Sarkosh DDS • 888 Oak Grove Ave Suite 6 • Menlo Park, CA • 650-327-8081 • Fax: 650-327-8082
Serving Patients of Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Redwood City, Los Altos, San Mateo, Mountain View, Burlingame